In this occasion wasn't different, and I returned back home with my heart full of happiness because I hugged again dear friends and I met new ones; in the photo below you can see the introduction to the exhibition in which there was a precence of two "old friends": Norma De Lucia, President of Associazione Incontri e Eventi, and the brilliant creative at the back of Caracol, Eleonora Battaggia, winner of the contest :)
In addition to hug again my friends and meeting new ones, I finally had the possibility to visit the beautiful Bijou Museum of Casalmaggiore, unique in its genre for the exhibition and - like Dott.ssa Letizia Frigerio, "soul" of the Museum, highlighted - for activities' number and vivacity.
And here it is my work: the papier maché ring "The Way To Your Heart" that at the end I decided to donate to the Bijou Museum's Collection; I have to say it's been really hard to do this, since this is a work I love because of personal vicissitudes in my life in the period I projected and realized it. But maybe, even for this, I felt to give it one more possibility to continue its exhibition history like part of a Museum. And let's hope - why not - this will be of good omen!
I leave you with an image I took while I was taking a walk in Casalmaggiore: a beautiful photo of the Po River banks...
...don't be deceived by the sun, the temperature was very, very cold! ;)
Leggi il post in italiano!

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